Halquinol 12.5%

Halquinol 12.5% contains Halquinol to enhance performance of all categories of halquinol as a formulation, maintains gut integrity results in better nutrient availability & utilization thereby resulting in performance enhancement.

Further, our teams in-depth knowledge and understanding has given us an edge above our competitors by allowing us to offer highly durable and reliable range of chemicals for our clients.

DESCRIPTION : COMPOSITION:EACH 100gm Halquinol 12.5% CONTAINS HALQUINOL : 12.5% w/w Calcium Carbonate : Q.S.


Poultry :Chick starter/Duck Starter/Turkey Other Poultry : 300 g/ton of feed or as directed by poultry nutritionist Pullet Layer Breeder Duck : 375-500 g/ton of feed Treatment wet dropping or non-specific diarrhea 1 kg/ton of feed for 7-10 days

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